Turning to dialogic reflexivity: An approach to fostering transdisciplinary research

Dr. David Steele and colleagues from IUPUI and Pennsylvania State University recently presented during a related paper set about outcomes related to a transdisciplinary research professional development workshop at the American Education Research Association International Conference. The conference was held in Chicago, IL from April 12 – April 16.

In their presentation, Dr. Steele and colleagues:

Consider the need for transdisciplinary research, its potential, and challenges in accomplishing it. We describe the core conceptual framework of dialogic reflexivity as an approach to cultivating transdisciplinarity, and present how these ideas informed the design and activities of a transdisciplinary research workshop. This will be delivered by designers of the workshops, who will also describe the structure and activities of the workshop itself. In addition to articulating theory and practice, this presentation frames the larger symposium, providing a base framework for the three presentations to follow, in which workshop participants share their theoretically guided reflections on workshop participation.

The presentation is linked here and the AERA paper is linked here.