Professor Emeritus, Sacramento State University
Ken Futernick is a career-long educator, researcher, podcast host, and educational consultant to school districts and policymakers across the United States. His interests include labor-management partnerships, educator recruitment and retention, school and district transformation, implementation science, and community depolarization.
His career in education has included service as an Elementary Teacher, Professor of Education and Department Chair of Teacher Education at CSU Sacramento, founder of EduCorps, a system-wide teacher-recruitment initiative for the CSU Chancellor’s Office, and a founder of Center on School Turnaround at WestEd. He currently hosts two podcasts: Teacher Stories, a podcast that celebrates the profound and lasting impact many teachers have on their students and communities; and Courageous Conversations about our Schools, a podcast that invites education stakeholders to engage in respectful conversations about controversies at the center of today’s culture wars in education.