Research Informing Our Approach
The Alder Graduate School of Education aims to prepare highly effective, diverse teachers through yearlong, intensive clinical preparation focused on educational equity. Theory and practice are interwoven in teaching and learning at Alder, equipping our teacher candidates with the skills and habits of mind for success. Below is a select bibliography of some of the research that informs our approach to teacher education.
Teacher Residency Model
- Berry, B., Montgomery, D., & Snyder, J. (2008). Urban teacher residency models and institutes of higher education: implications for teacher preparation. Center for Teaching Quality.
- Coffman, A. N., & Patterson, R. (2014). Teacher residencies: Redefining preparation through partnerships. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
- Fallon, B. (2017). Investing in residencies, improving schools: How principals can fund better teaching and learning. New York, NY: Bank Street College, Sustainable Funding Project.
- Guha, R., Hyler, M.E., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2016). The teacher residency: An innovative model for preparing teachers. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute.
- Klein, E. J., Taylor, M., Onore, C., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. (2013). Finding a third space in teacher education: Creating an urban teacher residency. Teaching Education, 24(1), 27-57.
- Krieg, J. M., Goldhaber, D., & Theobald, R. (2021). Disconnected development? The importance of specific human capital in the transition from student teaching to the classroom. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, July 2021.
- LiBetti, A., & Trinidad, J. (2018). Trading coursework for classroom: Realizing the potential of teacher residencies. Sudbury, MA: Bellwether Educational Partners.
- Papay, J. P., West, M. R., Fullerton, J. B., & Kane, T. J. (2012). Does an urban teacher residency increase student achievement? Early evidence from Boston. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 34(4), 413-434.
- Perlstein, L., Jerald, C., & Duffrin, E. (2014). Building effective teacher residencies. Chicago, IL: Urban Teacher Residency United.
- Solomon, J. (2009). The Boston teacher residency: District-based teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(5), 478-488.
- Zeichner, K. (2010). Rethinking the connections between campus courses and field experiences in college-and university-based teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(1-2), 89-99.
Practice-Based Teacher Education/Clinical Preparation
- AACTE Clinical Practice Commission (2018). A pivot toward clinical practice, its lexicon, and the renewal of educator preparation: A report of the AACTE Clinical Practice Commission. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.
- Ball, D. L., & Cohen, D. K. (1999). Developing practice, developing practitioners: Toward a practice-based theory of professional education. Teaching as the learning profession: Handbook of policy and practice, 3-22.
- Ball, D.L., & Forzani, F. M. (2009). The work of teaching and the challenge for teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(5), 497-511.
- Blue Ribbon Panel on clinical preparation and partnerships for improved student learning. (2010). Transforming teacher education through clinical practice: A national strategy to prepare effective teachers. Washington, DC: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
- Boyd, D. J., Grossman, P. L., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2009). Teacher preparation and student achievement. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 31(4), 416-440.
- Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009). Teacher learning: What matters? How teachers learn, Educational Leadership, 66(5), 46-53.
- Grossman, P., Compton, C., Igra, D., Ronfeldt, M., Shahan, E., & Williamson, P. (2009). Teaching practice: A cross-professional perspective. Teachers College Record, 111(9).
- Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., & McDonald, M. (2009). Redefining teaching, reimagining teacher education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 15(2), 273-289.
- Lampert, M. (2010). Learning teaching in, from, and for practice: What do we mean? Journal of Teacher Education, 61(1-2), 21-34.
- Tobin, K., & Roth, W.-M. (2005). Implementing coteaching and cogenerative dialoguing in urban science education. School Science and Mathematics, 105(6), 313–322.
Diversifying the Teaching Force
- Ahmad, F. & Boser, U. (2014). America’s leaky pipeline for teachers of color: Getting more teachers of color into the classroom. Center for American Progress.
- California Department of Education (n.d.). 2017-2019 Enrollment by ethnicity and grade.
- Carver-Thomas, D. (2018). Diversifying the teaching profession through high-retention pathways. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute.
- Cherng, H., & Halpin, P. (2016). The importance of minority teachers: Student perceptions of minority versus white teachers. Educational Researcher, 45(7), 1-14
- Education Trust-West. (2019). Seen, heard, reflected: A Look at California’s teacher of color shortage.
- Egalite, A (2024). What we know about teacher race and student outcomes. Education Next, 24(1).
- Egalite, A. J., Kisida, B., & Winters, M. A. (2015). Representation in the classroom: The effect of own-race teachers on student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 45, 44-52
- Gershenson, S., Hart, C. M., Hyman, J., Lindsay, C. A., & Papageorge, N. W. (2022). The long-run impacts of same-race teachers. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(4), 300-342.
- Gershenson, S., Hart, C.M.D., Lindsay, C., & Papageorge, N. W. (2017). The long-run impacts of same-race teachers. IZA Discussion Paper No. 10630.
- Gershenson, S., Holt, S. B., & Papageorge, N. W. (2016). Who believes in me? The effect of student–teacher demographic match on teacher expectations. Economics of Education Review, 52, 209-224.
- Gershenson, S, Hart, C.M.D, Hyman, J., Lindsay, C.A., and Papageorge, N,W. (2022). The Long-run impacts of same-race teachers. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14 (4): 300-342.
- Grissom, J. A., & Redding, C. (2015). Discretion and disproportionality: Explaining the underrepresentation of high-achieving students of color in gifted programs. AERA Open, 2(1), 2332858415622175.
- Hansen, M., Lindsay, C. A., & Gerhenson, S. (2022). It matters now more than never: What new developments say about teacher diversity and student success. Brookings Institute: Brown Center Chalkboard Blog.
- Kettler, T., & Hurst, L. T. (2017). Advanced academic participation: A longitudinal analysis of ethnicity gaps in suburban schools. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 40(1), 3-19.
- Lindsay, C. A., & Hart, C. M. D. (2017). Teacher race and school discipline: Are students suspended less often when they have a teacher of the same race? Education Next, 17(1).
- Lindsay, C. A., & Hart, C. M. D. (2017). Exposure to same-race teachers and student disciplinary outcomes for Block students in North Carolina. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 39, 485—510.
- Lindsay, C.A., Monarrez, T., & Luetmer, G. (2022). The effects of teacher diversity on Hispanic student achievement in Texas. Urban Institute.
- Mittleman, J. (2016). What’s in a Match? Disentangling the Significance of Teacher Race/Ethnicity. Ethnicity (June 15, 2016).
- Quintero, D. (2019, Oct 11). The benefits of Hispanic student-teacher matching for AP courses [blog post]. Brookings.
- Redding, C. (2019). A teacher like me: A review of the effect of student–teacher racial/ethnic matching on teacher perceptions of students and student academic and behavioral outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 89(4), 499–535.
- Ridley-Kerr, A., Ramirez, C., & Ma, H. (2020). Seen, Heard, Reflected: Building and Sustaining a Diverse STEM Teacher Pipeline. Education Trust-West.
- TNTP. (2020, December). A broken pipeline: teacher preparation’s diversity problem. TNTP.
- The Greater LA Education Foundation (2020). Advancing a diverse future recruiting and retaining educators of color in Los Angeles county. The Great LA Education Foundation.
- The Shanker Institute (2015). The state of teacher diversity in American education. Washington, D.C.
- Villegas, A. M., Strom, K., & Lucas, T. (2012). Closing the racial/ethnic gap between students of color and their teachers: An elusive goal. Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(2), 283-301.
Mitigating Teacher Turnover
- Carver-Thomas, D., Kini, T., & Burns, D. (2020). Sharpening the divide: How California’s teacher shortages expand inequality. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute.
- Ingersoll, R., Merrill, L., and May, H. (2014). What are the effects of teacher education and preparation on beginning teacher attrition? Research Report (#RR-82). Philadelphia, PA: Consortium for Policy Research in Education, University of Pennsylvania.
- Podolsky, A., Kini, T., Bishop, J., and Darling-Hammond, L. (2016) Solving the teacher shortage: How to attract and retain excellent educators. Learning Policy Institute.
- Ronfeldt, M., Loeb, S., and Wyckoff, J. (2013). How teacher turnover harms student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 50(1), 4–36.
Sample Resident Texts
A small selection of texts read by Alder residents in their graduate coursework. Click here for complete coursework scope and sequence and course descriptions.
- Cochran-Smith, M. & Lytle, S.L. (2009). Inquiry as stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Delpit, L. D. (2012). “Multiplication is for white people”: Raising expectations for other people’s children. New York: The New Press.
- Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed, 30th anniversary edition. New York: Continuum.
- Hammond, Z. (2014). Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.
- Ladson-Billings, G. (2009). The dreamkeepers: Successful teachers of African American children. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Lawrence-Lightfoot, S. (2004). The essential conversation: What parents and teachers can learn from each other. New York: Ballantine Books.
- Lucas, T., Villegas, A.M. & Freedson-Gonzalez (2008). Linguistically responsive teacher education: Preparing classroom teachers to teach English language learners. Journal of Teacher Education, 59(4), 361-373
- Moje, E. B. (2007). Developing socially-just subject matter instruction: A review of the literature on disciplinary literacy teaching. Review of Research in Education, 31(1), 1-44.
- Zeichner, K. (2014). Reflective teaching: An introduction, 2nd Edition. London: Routledge.