Dr. David Steele and colleagues from the Ohio State University and University of Toledo recently presented their research (Secondary preservice teachers becomings: Fostering anti-deficit noticings through attending to students’ sense-making repertoires) at the 2022 National Association for Research in Science Teaching International Conference. The conference was held in Vancouver, BC from March 27th – March 31st, 2022.
In their research presentation, Dr. Steele and colleagues:
Explore how anti-deficit noticing practices can be supported in the context of science methods courses and whether it can promote equitable science teaching and learning. We also aim to engage in thoughtful conversation, through the use of a Bakhtinian dialogic approach such as 1) what can we learn from our experiences to create locations of possibilities (Brandt, 2008) to replace deficit ideologies with anti-deficit noticings that value student sense-making and 2) drawing on Barad’s (2007) work on the notion of becomings, how can we address the challenges that emerged in our dialogues in order to re-conceptualize and re-imagine science teacher preparation programs in ways that have yet to be thought.
Their entire research proposal can be found here and their presentation can be found here.